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Crave for sherbet!

Did you ever notice that after a heavy meal we can’t intake any kind of carbs or starches etc? But, we will have a place for “SHERBET”(frozen desserts, sweets, drinks). Why is that so?

      Well, thirsting of sugary-  substances is more than a physiological one. This is because when you have a meal it elevates your mood. In addition to it, we would love to have ice-cream/drinks since our brains release a chemical known as “serotonin” which make you feel relaxed and happier.




This is another dictum that women are following in day to day due to the impact of society. There is a lot of prejudice against menstruation in spirituality. What is the real reason behind? Well said by “SADHGURU”-

“We can’t have menstrual cycles spiritually, it is only physiological one”. Many women have been facing those sweeping statements, isn’t it? While if we dig deep “Menstrual cycle is a form of purity birth” and if one states its impure then who came from the birth is also impure right”?

        In this modern world, everyone passes an assertion but, do not know the reason behind it. Agreed?

We have come a long way from sleeping on mats-bed, cast-cast off. Yet women are still encountered with a  degree of untouchability. 

Off from:





Visting next door and what not?

To all the reader’s out there forget, about today’s situation of how women are handling her body, mind and works. Look back decades ago menstrual cycle is a period where women were kept off from their regular base since their sanitary facilities, her kind of works(cooking for 13ppl) each session was at a different level those days. So, they raised a voice to keep women protected, taken care of at that duration. Isn’t it a wonderful thing?

Don’t think of today years ago these things where the steps to help our women. But, over q period somebody made a discriminatory process and it's been carried forward till date. Off from temples but should serve love, off from touching pickles but should keep cooking all day right?

There are many temples that kept women off irrespective of their cycle. Yes, it’s “SANI Shignapur and Sabarimala”. These restricted women at age 10 to 50 to enter the temple borders. Later after 50yrs of battle, it allowed women entry. Once I read an article about “A women being meditating during her periodic cycle is a valid statement or not”?  

     Not everything down the hysterical line should be blindly accepted as right. The following statement was revealed by “Maharishi Ramana”, to his lady disciple “Suri Nagamma”. A day prior to Maharishi’s birthday Nagamma got her periods. She was greatly distressed as could not attend Maharishi Ramana’s birthday and many visits in the Ashram and be a part in the meditation and she put herself in seclusion due to her regular cycle on her body. As she didn’t turn up at the Ashram qt usual hour, “Ramana” sent “Subbaramayya” a devotee, to enquire the reason for her absence. He visited Nagamma and this lady explained her predicament. Subbaramayya said few words in consolation and returned to the Ashram. On seeing him Maharishi asked the reason. Subbaramayya explained that she is disappointed and distressed. On listening to his words he replied “Why? Why should she feel sorry?”

She can sit and meditate said from Ramana’s observations. And Nagamma says that in her book too that “There is no refrain from the practice of meditation during under such circumstances”. What is really important is to get rid of the “impurity’s of mind”. Periods are not a case of impurity and it doesn’t offend god in any way. What matters to God is the extent devotee has cleansed mind of from impure thoughts, selfishness, laziness, greed etc. So, do allow women in her comfort zone and never drop a restriction when she is a need of you.



I was thinking all about the day today. Then I thought of sharing an anecdote. There was a man who served our mother India. He was a part in"OPERATION RAKSHAK" and one day their family got a call from the regiment saying that he was shot during the war with 3 bullets. Doctors here and there, surrounded by patients, don’t know what has happened? Blank everywhere. A few hours later doctors stepped out of the theatre and said out of danger. After months or so the man was back to his duty. Later, he and his wife lived in Rajasthan and his wife was 5 months pregnant. During the year 1999, there was a call for “Kargil war”. So, he sent his wife back to their origin. She was worried and was in hope of crossing fingers. A few month’s later she was blessed with a girl baby. Though everyone was next to her she missed her husband’s presence. As time passed the little one grew and turned 6yrs. This little girl was missing her father. During a call, she said papa am missing you where are you? Why don’t you come home to take me to school and pick me? Don’t you miss me? The man shredded with tears missing their family but, headed towards his duty. He worked under many people and served our nation, completed his service in the year, 2007. When he was back home his child asked will you go again? Where have you been all these years? He replied smiling “ I was serving for our country “. Okay, papa replied the child and continued her conversation as I grew I realised you were only at times papa I missed a lot of things in my childhood I felt very sad whenever my friend's parents come to school to pick them. He wiped the little ones tears and said yes beta sorry for that but, remember one thing playing with you nor feeding food might not give a peaceful sleep than serving India.🇮🇳 Now, here comes the twist as you all accepted yes am the little one in the story and my father is P. MARKONDA REDDY. Whenever we visit army residents people over there praise my father for the service’s he did and we are very much privileged for his works. He always says working for the country and working under “A.P. J. Abdul kalam” sir was his greatest achievements. This has been connected to a few people who’s family members were a part of serving our country “India”. Remembering all the fighters on this day and bow ahead to all the saviours and their families”. —Jai Hind—

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