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Updated: Jul 29, 2020

The world is a book and when you start reading, it makes you realize

“ how much we haven’t seen, and how much still we need to see”. Once quoted “I don’t know where I’m going but I’m on my way”-Carl Sanburg.

How many of u felt the above line?

Well, I too sensed it.

Traveling oneself or with a bunch of people is one of the best therapy you would gift oneself. It’s not only about exploring but, also to brooding and introspection that ensures peace of mind, boots up confidence, creating memories, broaden our horizons, and whatnot.

Injustice to the post I had been to a few places. I admire people who can be so honestly open about life and travel. I like to read back over them and it reminded me of how I felt when I was there. I'm excited to travel once the pandemic situation is back to the drawing board.

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1 comentário

Pravi Gani
Pravi Gani
23 de jul. de 2020

Well said😍me too excited to travel after everything comes to normal🙂

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